PC Makes Me Sad

This is just depressing

For decades, Claremont kindergartners have celebrated Thanksgiving by dressing up as pilgrims and Native Americans and sharing a feast. But on Tuesday, when the youngsters meet for their turkey and songs, they won't be wearing their hand-made bonnets, headdresses and fringed vests.

Parents in this quiet university town are sharply divided over what these construction-paper symbols represent: A simple child's depiction of the traditional (if not wholly accurate) tale of two factions setting aside their differences to give thanks over a shared meal? Or a cartoonish stereotype that would never be allowed of other racial, ethnic or religious groups?

I don't understand how dressing up this way is mocking or demeaning to Native Americans. I don't think it's mocking of the English to dress up in Pilgrim hats and buckle shoes either. Some comments in the linked post say that it is:

There's no outrage because the costumes aren't used to DENIGRATE the pilgrims, any more than the ahistorical use of kilts in Braveheart were used to diminish Scots.

So dressing up like an English Pilgrim is ok, dressing up like a 17th century Native American is not. What if a Native American kid dresses up like a Pilgrim?

People pushing this PC junk need to lighten up.