Propaganda Works II

The Democrats are trying to convince everyone that the town hall protesters and the tea party movement are run by lobbyists and nefarious, highly-paid Republican think tanks.

But I'm beginning to think the audience for that idea isn't necessarily the press of the general public. Take this:
[ Yahoo ] An unruly Little Rock crowd heckled and shouted at two Arkansas Democratic congressmen Wednesday, accusing them of supporting a government-backed health plan that would take away Americans' personal choice and freedom.

At one point, U.S. Rep. Mike Ross sat with his head in his hands while the crowd shouted.
Seems to me, that Representative Ross could use a little encouragement, could use a little bolstering up that passing the Obamination is a good idea.

Seems to me that the most-important audience for the idea that the protesters are merely astroturfed nutjobs is Blue Dog Democratic members of Congress and the Senate.

Don't listen to the wingnuts, the party is saying to its own members, listen to us. Nice, soothing, confidence-boosting're not going to listen to them... they don't matter... they're crazy... no, listen to us... listen to us... listen to us... vote yes... vote for our dear leader... Obama is right... listen to Obama.... vote yes... vote yes... vote yes...