Los Angeles covid data cooks the books (IV)

Running Total Press Release: 213
Running Total Dashboard: 153
Total Decrease: 60
Total % Decrease: 29%

July 20:
Press release deaths: 9 (with 0 of those in Long Beach and 1 in Pasadena)
LB & Pas removed: 8
Final dashboard deaths*: 23
Increase: 15
% Increase: 188%

July 19:
Press release deaths: 11 (with 0 of those in Long Beach and 0 in Pasadena)
LB & Pas removed: 11
Final dashboard deaths*: 19
Increase: 8
% Increase: 73%

July 18:
Press release deaths: 39 (with 1 of those in Long Beach and 0 in Pasadena)
LB & Pas removed: 38
Final dashboard deaths*: 27
Reduction: 11
% Reduction: 29%

July 17:
Press release deaths: 62 (with 1 in Long Beach and 0 in Pasadena)
LB & Pas removed: 61
Final dashboard deaths: 24
Reduction: 37
% Reduction: 61%
July 16:
Press release deaths: 59 (with 5 in Long Beach and 0 in Pasadena)
LB & Pas removed: 54
Final dashboard deaths: 34
Reduction: 20
% Reduction: 37%

July 15:
Press release deaths: 44 (with 2 of those in Long Beach and 1 in Pasadena)
LB & Pas removed: 41
Final dashboard deaths: 26
Reduction: 15
% Reduction: 37%