Tough on Baby

These last few weeks have been pretty tough on our baby, I think. There was leaving our familiar apartment, leaving her friends at daycare, getting to know our new place, going back to her old daycare for a few days, then starting a new daycare in Nashville. Also visits to an auntie, uncle and both sets of grandparents. Then there is mommy's new job, which keeps her away from home more than before. Today baby woke up at 6am to see her mommy off to work, then drank some milk and slept for four more hours. She must have needed the sleep. When she woke, she didn't cry at all. She just called out to me, then got herself out of bed. She came walking into the living room all smiles. It was great to see her in such a good mood. I took a few pictures.

Pancakes and applesauce! I hope things settle down here soon. It will be good for all of us.