

Eric Worrall, Watts Up With That
“If the science is settled, why do we need research scientists to continue inquiring into the settled science?” [ The Australian Attorney General George] Brandis said on Tuesday.

“Wouldn’t it be a much more useful allocation of taxpayers’ money and research capacity within CSIRO to allocate its resources to an area where the science isn’t settled?”

[...] In my opinion George Brandis is spot on – government climate scientists are caught in a political pincer of their own making.

If climate science is settled enough to make confident predictions, why do we need so many climate researchers? If climate science is not settled, why do climate scientists keep pretending it is?

You don’t have to be a climate scientist, to smell the “inconsistency”.

Economic literacy

Today's prize for economic literacy goes to:

"Even as markets overflow"

Wow! You mean as supply increases it doesn't increase price too?! Whaaat??

Tired. She gets tired.

Life imitates Dr Who "The Christmas Invasion" (2006) [ You Tube ] :

Doctor: I can bring down your government with a single word.

Harriet Jones (Prime Minister): You are the most remarkable man I've ever met, but I don't think you're quite capable of that.

Doctor: No, you're right. Not a single word...just six.

Harriet: I don't think so.

Doctor: Six words.

Harriet: Stop it!

Doctor: Six....
[Doctor walks over to her aide, takes off his earpiece and quietly into his ear... ]
Doctor: Don't you think she looks tired?
Today, in Hillaryland [ Politico ]:
"You know, Bill Clinton, he gets so much energy from the people at his rallies. When he’s working a rope line, you can just see him light up. You know, she’s tired. She gets tired. She does it. She does it dutifully." - Solis Doyle, former Hillary Clinton campaign manager.