Employment Update

If it's the first Friday of the month (or Thursday before a holiday), it must be Employment Day!!!

Here's the current chart:

Notes on the report:

  • For the first time the employers'-survey employment numbers have dropped below it was when Bush took office.

  • Teenage unemployment took a big jump of 1.3%. This is a well-duh moment, since the minimum-wage jumps from $6.55 to $7.25 on July 25. It's not surprising that stressed companies are choosing not to hire, or letting go minimum-wage kids. And I remember getting $2.90/hour.

  • Black and Hispanic unemployment actually went down. (Black unemployment for the second straight month.) My explanation? I heard years ago that 60% of middle-class blacks work for the government--the one sector of the economy which is booming.

  • From the text of the report: "The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) increased by 433,000 over the month to 4.4 million. In June, 3
    in 10 unemployed persons were jobless for 27 weeks or more."

  • Men continue to be hit hardest, with an unemployment rate of 10.0%. Women clock in at 7.6% unemployed.