Wow! Very good, sweetie. Can you do it again?
Nice! How about "MAP"?
Daddy is as proud as she is.
Steve in Madison, WI and Ann in Los Angeles, CA
The UN has left us to die, say fleeing [__________]
A) Bosnians
B) Sudanese
C) Syrians
D) Rwandans
E) All of the above....and then some.
Lower Saxony's agriculture minister says initial tests have confirmed that locally grown beansprouts are the likely cause for Germany's E. coli outbreak that has killed 22 people and sickened hundreds.Time to irradiate! Seems like a no-brainer to me, but it has that scary "rad" word in it.
Here is my crude take on this. The income tax system is responsible for covering public debt _plus_ intragovernmental debt. This is why these two obligations are combined. The Social Security and Medicare program tax systems are responsible for their unfunded entitlement obligations _minus_ intragovernmental debt. This is because the intragovernmental debt for the most part represents the money that the income tax system owes to the Social Security and Medicare tax systems. The government as a whole is responsible for public debt plus unfunded entitlement obligations. This is the sum of the obligations of all the tax systems, and is clearly independent of intragovernmental debt. So whether or not you think intragovernmental debt is important depends on what you are looking at.Symbolically:
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